Upstate Behavioral Health and Wellness Forum
Greenville, South Carolina
November 14, 2024
Engage. Educate. Equip
701 Grove Rd, Greenville, SC 29605
November 14, 2024
9 am - 3 pm
The goal of this event is to increase awareness of mental health, substance use, recovery, and wellness for multiple stakeholders and the community at large while advancing the priority goals of WBP.
Engage the community at large, communities of faith, and mental health and substance use treatment providers.
Educate by reducing mental health and recovery stigma in the community, increasing equity in access to services, and increasing awareness of best practices among service providers.
Equip participants by helping them to recognize the signs and symptoms of a behavioral health crisis,
support a loved one in the face of behavioral health need, and provide evidence-based substance use treatment, psychiatric and clinical services to our community.
The Well Being Partnership
In 2021, the Greenville County Behavioral Health Coalition re-launched as the Well Being Partnership of Greenville (WBP). This work was initiated in part by generous support from the Graham Foundation and the Jolley Foundation. With a vision of optimal mental health and well-being for all Greenville County residents, we are guided by our mission to advance cultural, community, and clinical change to improve mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Our work is fueled by our three committees; Data, Solutions, and Advocacy. Our goal in this collaboration is to be a resource and to have as many voices as possible represented in the conversation as we move forward in serving our community

Reserve your spot to join us, today!