The Leadership Challenge Workshop
Charlie E. Shipman Center
975 Foot Hills Road
Greenville, SC 29617
General Admission $ 1,650
Group Admission (6 or more) $1,295
Non Profit $995
Non Profit Group $850
The Leadership Challenge® Workshop is an intensive program based on the award-winning book, The Leadership Challenge, by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner. Jim Kouzes is the Dean's Executive Fellow of Leadership at Santa Clara University and Barry Posner is Accolti Endowed Professor of Leadership and former Dean (1997 — 2009) of the Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University.
The two-day program is highly interactive and stimulating. Participants experience and apply The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® through video case studies, workbook exercises, group problem-solving tasks, facilitated lectures and experiential learning activities.
The leadership curriculum is based on research collected from over one million leaders and ten million constituents in a variety of private and public sector organizations. This research, collected over the past 30 years, identifies the five practices that characterize how ordinary people get extraordinary things done in organizations. Individuals who increase the frequency of these five leadership practices have been proven to have higher credibility and higher performing teams through a more engaged workforce. Through this work, it has been shown that leadership is a learned behavior, and that individuals who experience our programs do in fact increase their leadership effectiveness. Our ultimate goal is to liberate the leader in everyone.
Our workshops include the leading industry 360° assessment tool, The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). The LPI is a highly-refined, behavioral-based 360° survey instrument which collects data on the frequency with which one exhibits 30 leadership behaviors, each related to one of The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®. These leadership behaviors have emerged from research begun by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner in 1983, and form the core of our approach to leadership skills development. Participants receive valid and reliable feedback on how others perceive them as leaders. Prior to the workshop, each participant and the Observers chosen, completes the LPI and the resulting report is shared with the participant in the workshop. The reliability and validity of this instrument is continually confirmed by the doctoral theses based on it — over 800 have been written to date.